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There’s food that’s good for the heart, food that’s good for the brain, and food that’s good for the soul. Like an essential nutrient, recreation energizes us and affords us the time and opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate, and even to relax. Plus, it’s just plain fun.

Maybe most important of all, recreation gives us the time to form and renew bonds with those close to us in ways that provide connections that permanently enrich our lives. Nobody fondly recalls the argument they had at the kitchen table about being late for school, but we can all tell stories that start “Remember that time at the mountain when…” with a grin from ear to ear.

Pacific Group Resorts is privileged to be able to provide resort environments and hospitality services to our guests in beautiful places offering year round reasons to be there. Whether for a day at a time or year after year, recreation at our resorts does a body good.

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